How do you know what you don’t know? #5
All Geographers
Back to the positive vibes of issue #1 → Information is Beautiful is another useful source of infographics. This particular infographic looks at their pick of the most positive trends, amazing achievements, and creative solutions of the year. A useful lesson starter or something to use in tutor/mentor time.
IB DP Geographers
ToK [Theory of Knowledge] and IB DP Geography
If you a teacher of IB DP Geography you should be making efforts to integrate 'Theory of Knowledge' into your lessons. This Flipboard magazine may help. This is where I (and others) 'flip' news articles that have 'ToK themes' within them. If anybody uses Flipboard and would like to become a contributor to this magazine - please just drop me an email.
Calling all IB DP Geography teachers that work in Switzerland (or neighbouring countries). A date and location has been set for the 2022 Swiss IB Geography Network meeting → Friday 20th May at College Alpin Beau Soleil. If you would like to attend please sign up (as soon as possible is helpful) here.
This little app is super useful. It's not free - but the best things tend not to be! If there is some text in an image, in a scanned document or on a awkwardly produced PDF file that you want to copy - use this app. You click and drag to highlight the area of the text (a bit like doing a screenshot) and the 'text' in that area is copied to your clipboard. Useful for copying text from slides in webinars and videos.